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Jameel Centre at the Ashmolean Museum

After nearly nine months of thinking, "architecting", designing, refining, converting and working at a close contact with a wonderful client team, the website for the Ashmolean Yousef Jameel Online Centre has come to life. As one of Keepthining's most complex and complete museum collection websites to date, it features multiple routes to explore and research the beautiful Eastern Art collection of the Ashmolean. Visitors may choose to view objects by browsing or by searching, by looking at floor plans or at publications. Categorised themes create a unique way to place collection objects in multiple contexts. An interactive timeline allows further browsing and filtering, while zoomable images enable detailed analysis.

The Jameel Centre website on a desktop computer.
  • The home page is purposely bold and simple: it unleashes the power of the images captured through a dedicated photographic campaign, which is an essential part of the project.

    Screen of the Jameel Centre homepage.
  • When complete, the whole project will include over 12,000 objects, all of which will be online with new images and detailed meta-data. Browsing options include object categories as well as a timeline showing how items are distributed over a period of five thousand years.

    Screen of the Jameel Centre collection browse page.
  • Objects are important as unique destinations, with multiple images and relationships. Objects are also part of potentially infinite contexts and narrative paths - every single vase, jewel or painting links to many others - bringing new life and meaning and allowing an organic, fluid exploration, very similar to what happens in the museum.

    Screen of the Jameel Centre single work of art page.
  • The new photographic campaign generated images of extremely high quality and resolution, which we made available to explore in detail through a continuous zoom facility (in JavaScript, without using any plug-in).

    Screen of the zoom facility of a work of art on the Jameel Centre website.
  • Thousands of content objects in potentially infinite contexts. Qi allow the Ashmolean to provide different contextual meaning to objects depending on their context, in this case exhibitions.

    Screen of the Jameel Centre exhibitions page.
  • Just like at the museum, another context for objects is by floor plan. On the website visitors can see every object in each gallery, together with images from the actual installations.

    Screen of the Jameel Centre galleries page.
  • Galleries are treated like themes, offering the possibility to create a narrative and a guided tour through the objects.

    Screen of the Jameel Centre single gallery page.

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